COVID Update
COVID Update
Please read below for the latest COVID update regarding our studio closure...Due to the most recent COVID update to statewide orders, our studio is currently closed.We understand how frustrating this is if you finally just got rescheduled or if you booked a new appointment with us in the past week. We apologize for the inconvenience and will be in contact with you as soon as we can tattoo you.We will be honest: This is a frustrating and frightening cycle for our family of artists. We implore everyone to please do whatever you can to help minimize the further spread of this virus so that we can open without fear of another shutdown. By putting the well-being of the masses ahead of our own fleeting impulses, we can overcome this crisis together—and get back to tattooing every single day of the year.We hope to update you soon with a more definite timeline. In the meantime feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.To get on our waitlist for our reopening, please email us at or schedule a consultation here. To learn more about our COVID update on safety protocols, visit our previous blog or our Instagram.